It has certainly been a wet and windy weekend at Roaring Creek Ranch! The upper pond was nearly full, but the lower pond was several feet below full…until this storm arrived. The animals are wet, but they quickly move into the shelter of the barn during the heaviest rains.
We learned that the north stream that feeds the ditch responds pretty quickly to large storms. We see significant flow from the north stream into the lower pond. Both the north stream and the south stream are flowing into the lower pond.
Leaves were cleared from the upper pond overflow grate. Excess water from the upper pond flows into the ditch that feeds the lower pond. The upper pond is fed from underground springs, while the lower pond is fed entirely by two streams. The north stream flows through a ditch to reach the lower pond.
Surface runoff splits at the garage, with some flowing downhill past the barn and the rest curving around to flow past the other outbuildings.